MAIN OBJECTIVE: To develop an engaging and innovative layout and cover design for the issue, within the constraints of our budget. Aim to be a runner-up or winner of the AWP National Program Directors’ Award for Design.
MEASURABLE GOAL: To meet all best practices for design, as listed in the Canvas modules.
MEASURABLE GOAL: To meet all best practices for design, as listed in the Canvas modules.
Production Team Lead
*Two Semester Commitment
- Provides leadership of the production team. Ensures that the template and cover are designed by the due date. Ensures the book is typeset and the proofs are generated by due dates.
- Works with the Toyon Administrator to maintain the editorial office in FH205. Wipes down the countertops each week. Stocks the office with supplies from the department supply closet, as needed. Notifies the faculty advisor if additional supplies or resources are needed.
- Reserves the FH205 room when the production team needs.
- Develops a style guide for the journal.
- Makes all changes to the proof suggested by the staff and requested by the authors during the months of December and January.
- Makes decisions about binding, paper quality, use of color schemes, etc., for the print issue, in acknowledgement of Toyon's fixed budget and in consultation with Marcom, the staff, and the faculty advisor.
- Provides a final check of the proof at Marcom before going to print in February.
Division Editor, Visual Art & Cover Designer
- Ensures that the call for submissions is advertised to all HSU art classes and local community art organizations and studios.
- Generates an advertisement tailored specifically to solicit visual art submissions.
- Decides on the award recipient for the visual art division.
- Ensures that there is an appropriate balance of content in the issue, that a diverse body of work is represented.
- Designs the front and back covers (i.e., the jacket) for the upcoming issue, in collaboration with other production team members. Submits at least three options for cover design to the staff for review.
- (Optional) Uses the visual art submissions to generate new promotional materials—such as bookmarks, buttons, etc. Designs letterhead, bookmarks, buttons, and other promotional items for Toyon, as resources allow.
Typesetter & Book Designer
- Updates the layout template for the journal before the submission deadline.
- Designs the "guts" of the issue, including the front and back matter of the journal.
- Develops a guide to using InDesign that is specifically tailored for the Toyon staff, using the Toyon layout template.
- Typesets the copyedited manuscripts (received by the Acquisitions Editor on the Editorial Team) and generates the first proof. Ensures that all content is included and is well-formatted. Checks margins. Sets drop caps, etc.